Whether you are the one handling a camera or posing for a camera, you can surely agree with me that photography is fun. To achieve that state of the art photograph, however, requires a unique set of skills.
Whether for personal or commercial use, a course in digital photography is a plus. With a focus on teaching core photographic concepts and techniques, our Photography training in Lagos provides practical structure that would help you understand your tools and how to use them to create exceptional images. You'll leverage on our standard photography studio in Lagos to learn every advance concept of photography.
The art of photography has advanced over the years from the use of traditional tools like films to the use of ink in digital printing. Praxis Digital academy takes you to the genesis of photography and how it keeps evolving.
Let's take you by the hand and show you how to turn yourself into a self-made Professional Digital Photographer
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Introduction to Digital Photography
You'll get an introduction to the basic concepts of Digital Photography, including the history, progress, ideas and philosophies. You will also learn the different types and methods in Digital Photography

Cameras, Camera Control and Camera Lenses
Learn all about cameras, the primary tool of photography. You'll be taught to understand the inner workings of this device, how navigate its interface and controls. We will also teach you the right and wrong ways of handling the camera and how to care for it. You'll also be introduced to the power of lenses and the different types and their uses.

Aperture, ISO, Shutter Speed and Depth of Field
A photograph is an image created by capturing light falling on a photosensitive surface and that makes light a major component. It needs to be controlled to perfection and appropriated properly to create desired effects and results. Aperture, ISO, Depth of Field and Shutter Speed determine light control and are vital in any photograph and you will be taught how to master these elements.

Exposure and Lighting
You will be taught how to understand light and measure it perfectly to create perfectly rounded images. lighting is very important in photography as it sets the tone for your image. This session is focused on teaching you the basic and best lighting and exposure in photography.

Black and White Conversions
You'll be taught the process of converting images to black and white. You'll also learn when and when not to do it, and also the different approaches for different conditions, and learning to pick which approach is best for you or best for each situation.

Portrait, Outdoor and Landscape Photography
You'll learn the different kinds of photography and how to navigate through each of them. You'll also be taught how to choose your specialization and how to morph and transform into the other field outside your specialization when necessary

Introduction to Lightroom and Photoshop
Nowadays, no picture is complete without post-production. Post-production is an opportunity to fix small issues you overlooked on location, correct colour and exposure, and generally, just make sure your work looks good and professional. Photoshop and Lightroom are the primary tools for post-production and you'll be taught to use and navigate through them.

Creative Photo Manipulation
You'll learn how to express and apply your creativity in post-production to create thrilling and unique images using Photoshop. You will also be introduced to diffrent adobe photoshop tools available to users.

Photo Retouching with Photoshop and Lightroom
Photo retouching is mainly used for the model, fashion, wedding photography to remove spots, acne, blemishes, wrinkles etc. In this way, the photographer can enhance a model's beauty and make them more appealing. You'll be taught to master photo retouching using Photoshop and Lightroom.

Photoshop and Lightroom Plugins
Plugins offer a quick and easy way to extend the tool's capabilities. With the right plugin, you can save yourself time, unlock new features, and smooth out your workflow. plugins are used to add special features or effects, simplify the process of various graphic design effects, or a make your digital creations more impressive.

Collection of Certificate/Graduation Party
This is the last part of the training. The collection of Certificates and graduation party will take place in one day. We will make available lots of things to make the day a memorable one.
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